Friday, March 20, 2009

Trio of Beauties

Trio of Beauties
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

Life is not always easy or peaceful in a bird's world. They are constantly on the lookout for their natural enemies and there are many predators in residence at Chatham Gardens. But sometimes you catch a feeder with such a depth of beauty that it makes you pause and wonder why it cannot always be this simple; a cardinal, a housefinch and a goldfinch enjoying a snack at the same time on a well stocked feeder.

As an aside it was also so sweet to see the changes in color of the goldfinch, from the drab winter feathers to the start of the yellow to gold beauty they will be in just a short while.

Picture taken with my first Nikon camera, the Coolpix P90.


Aweber9 said...

wow - another new camera?

Annette said...

Great feeder..... what kind or where did you get it?