Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

Went boating today on Town Cove with Betty on her pontoon boat. It was a great way to escape the warm humid air in town and the conditions were perfect for us to manage the boat ourselves. While cruising through the Nauset Marsh area we spotted what turned out to be an Osprey with his/her dinner, a nice sized fish that he carried away as we approached the area where he was dining. if you click on the picture you'll see some addition shots. it was really cool...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Busy Bee

Busy Bee
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

This time of year I am frequently walking around Chatham Gardens with my camera and sometimes I just aim and hold down the shutter button for 3 or 4 or even more sequential pictures. The result is often a bunch of pictures that are identical but sometimes a gem shows up that would not have happened any other way - at least not for me. With a fast shutter speed I captured this bee hovering near a favorite flower - the Catmint.

The Catmint also attracts Goldfinches but they are not as accommodating when I get this close with my camera. But I'll keep trying.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

Spring is in full swing here at Chatham Gardens. The lilacs were spectacular and the peonies just exploded this year. Roses are now blooming and most will continue through the entire summer into fall. Hydrangea buds look promising and should put on a great show this summer as well.

Birding has been consistent with no new sightings here at the Gardens but I had a Bluebird who looked very interested in one of the empty houses. He hung around for quite a while and I was able to get some good pictures as he investigated the potential nest including going in and out several times. But I guess we failed inspection because he has left and has not returned. Oh well, I will take a bluebird visit anytime.