Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bluebird Visitor

Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

I had given up hope of seeing any Bluebirds visiting Chatham Gardens this year. In 2008 they arrived in February and were gone by the first week in March.

But today, as I sat in my sunroom, looking out of an unfortunately dirty glass door, there he was, perched on one of the feeder posts next to a sweet little House Finch. Spring must be very near, don't you think?


Aweber9 said...

I'm totally jealous! Great photo and cool bird! said...

We are fortunate that we have bluebirds here at the farm year round. They are one of my favorite birds. Im still waiting to get a look at one of the many owls we have in residence. I hear them every night.

Sutton Family said...

The red headed bird is a finch? I have those too! I have a ton of gorgeous cardinals but I did not know what my little red headed visitors were. Love the posts!