Saturday, April 26, 2008

Chatham Gardens

Sept 04 Chatham Gardens
Originally uploaded by

It recently dawned on me that this summer will be the 5th summer of Chatham Gardens, a fact that boggles my mind. I thought it would be fun to look at the year to year changes in my landscaping and I put together a short album that includes one photo for each year for two different garden areas of my home.

The first is now named The Flag Garden and you can see why in the subsequent pictures. The second area is named The Lamppost Garden, though it could easily be named the Maple Tree Garden.

Just click on the picture and you will be directed to my Flickr page for the entire set. Later this summer I will include 08 pictures to the set and repost the link.

1 comment:

Aweber9 said...

what a great idea for a slideshow! hard indeed to imagine it will be 5 years.