Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunset at Horseshoe Ranch

Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

I was visiting friends in Placerville CA recently and as is my norm, I had my camera at the ready while waiting for the sun to set. I watched in the pasture as the sky exploded with color and the setting sun silhouetted this awesome tree, stripped of its leaves, for the winter.

I never tire of the sky, evening dusk or morning dawn. There is a lovely comfort in the consistency of the movement of the planets through our system. When the moon is visible we are never left if the dark. And even with the fiery blaze of color gives way to the blackest of moonless skies, the stars are reminders that the sun will reappear in a few hours to begin the cycle all over again.

If you click on the picture you will go to my Flickr page and can see additional pictures.

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