Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hurricane Sandy; the preperation

Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

Coast Guard Station Chatham is boarded up and ready for the arrival of Hurricane Sandy. Surf is up and rising and the winds have picked up and also rising. It does not appear that the Cape will bear the worst of the storm but being prepared is never a bad thing.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Collecting Pollen

Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

This little guy was very busy in the gardens today collecting pollen. Covered from head to tail (do bees have tails?) with the pollen he had collected. Amazingly, he could still take flight with all that additional weight. Another great experience watching nature in the garden.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sunset at Skaket Beach, Orleans, MA

Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

In the never ending pleasure of chasing sunsets I often find many people who also get a lot of joy in this daily routine. I of course love to watch with my camera and in this photograph I saw people expressing their joy in a different way...

Are you a sunset lover too?

Friday, July 6, 2012


Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

Sitting in my sunroom looking through my less then sparkling clean windows - every little movement catches my eye. Fluttering butterflies then never seem to stay on a flower long enough for my camera to focus, lots of songbirds checking out the feeders and bees galore making the catmint move continuously. My ongoing visual search sees a tiny visitor competing with the bees on the catmint - a Ruby Throated Hummingbird is posing for the camera and I am rewarding with pictures to assure myself he really did come to visit for an afternoon. Click on the picture to see more...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sunrise from the patio at Chatham Gardens

Sunrise from the patio at Chatham Gardens
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

I didn't have to go far for a glimpse at this morning's promising dawn; It was just outside my door taken from the patio.

Beauty is often right in front of us; we need to slow down, open our eyes and our heart to the world in which we live and it will show itself. It was there all along...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunset at Horseshoe Ranch

Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

I was visiting friends in Placerville CA recently and as is my norm, I had my camera at the ready while waiting for the sun to set. I watched in the pasture as the sky exploded with color and the setting sun silhouetted this awesome tree, stripped of its leaves, for the winter.

I never tire of the sky, evening dusk or morning dawn. There is a lovely comfort in the consistency of the movement of the planets through our system. When the moon is visible we are never left if the dark. And even with the fiery blaze of color gives way to the blackest of moonless skies, the stars are reminders that the sun will reappear in a few hours to begin the cycle all over again.

If you click on the picture you will go to my Flickr page and can see additional pictures.