Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Moonrise at Lighthouse Beach

Moonrise at Lighthouse Beach
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

I was down at the lighthouse yesterday afternoon to see the almost full moon rising about an hour before sunset. There were plenty of cloud lines tinged with a pretty pink color and a lovely moon rising over the water. Later that night, when returned from dinner at friends house, I was greeted by the ongoing howling of my local coyotes. It went on for longer then I can ever remember hearing before and it was very scary. I of course solved the problem by taking my hearing aids out - and vanquished those sounds to other ears. And to think the fullest moon isn't for two more days.

Moonrise at Lighthouse Beach


Stan and Linda Waters said...

I can relate to those poor coyotes!
I remember, when we were in our twenties, you used to tune me out, and didn't even need a hearing aid to do it!

Sutton Family said...

Did they shriek like me? The full moon makes everyone the pictures, keep taking and posting!

Annette said...

I love the moon picture! I've never taken a picture of the moon before- I will have to try it!