Whalewatch video-2
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens
In addition to the perfect conditions, including clear blue skies and calm open seas, we encountered a pod of 4 whales that included an 8 month old calf. The calf was full of curiosity and stayed close to the boat checking us out and of course the 3 adults were never far.
In this video, the opening frames shows the calf for a few seconds and then off in the background, all three adults surfaced. What magnificent creatures they are, full of beauty and grace.
When you click on the video for viewing, it will open in my Flickr page and you can then look at the few other videos I took and the many, many stills. I took well over 600 photos and it was hard to decide which ones would make the cut for the album, but after three days - I decided to delete no more!
I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed the challenge of capturing them. Let me know what you think...