Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Coopers Hawk

Coopers Hawk
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

This guy spent a lot of time on Sunday circling Chatham Gardens looking for a snack. Not sure if he/she ever succeeded or not since every time he was in my sights, not another bird was to be seen. Isn't nature wondrous.

Coopers Hawk

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Feb Snow

Feb Snow
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

I have been home from NC for a little over a week after being away for about 2 months. I often found myself thinking of Chatham Gardens and I found myself more homesick than I had anticipated. I kept track of the weather events both in the news and through the bills I received from the people who plow my driveway when enough snow accumulates and I mostly regretted not being home to see the fallen snow blanket my home, but I also missed what usually turns out to be a great photo opportunity.

I woke up this morning to a wonderful surprise, just enough snow to turn Chatham Gardens into a winter wonderland, but not enough to keep me from getting to the gym. Also, not enough to receive another snow plow bill as it is now mostly gone. But here is a picture of the beauty I woke up to and the photo I will have to remember that winter is a beautiful season, too.