Thursday, June 26, 2008

U.S. Marine Corps Battle Color Ceremony

Last night I attended the U.S. Marine Corps Battle Color Ceremony which took place in the H.S. ballpark in Orleans, MA. Me and 3 friends carried our beach chairs to an area on the edge of the ball park since the prime seating, a terraced hill behind the ballpark had filled up long before the concert started.

This short video shows one of the highlights of the Silent Drill Platoon, where they perform incredible spins and exchanges of their M-1 rifles (with very sharp looking fixed bayonets) with absolutely no verbal commands.

If you click on the video, it will take you to my Flickr site where you can see more pictures of the Silent Drill Platoon, the Drum and Bugle Corp, the Marine Corps Color Guard and a picture of the big gun that they fired several times and had every dog that was attended this fun, free event with their owner cowering with their tail tucked between their legs. The guns were LOUD, even to me!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

June - The First Peony

June - The First Peony
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

Everything is coming to life at Chatham Gardens. For better or worse that also includes a predator, I believe a squirrel, that totally decimated a favorite peony shrub in the back of the house on the hill. Scattered all around the area were the deep purplish petals that were supposed to blossom into the magnificent blooms of the double flower peony, Paeonia Renato.

For some reason, fortunately, the peonies in the front of the house have been untouched and today I found the first fully opened flower of the Paeonia Bowl of Cream - I believe. So many of my plants were moved as a result of the new addition in the back that I have lost track of some of the specifics of my gardens.

Regardless of the name, I am always in awe of the elements of nature that return this beauty to my life, year after year. Many other plants are developing throughout the garden and you can see them all by clicking on the picture of the peony which links to my Flickr Set, Chatham Gardens 2008. Check out my Giant Hostas!