Monday, December 1, 2008

Crescent Moon, Venus and Jupiter

Crescent Moon, Venus and Jupiter
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

The show started just after sunset while there was still a lot of light still in the evening sky. The Crescent Moon floated on some wispy clouds and Venus was faint, but visible. If you click on this picture it will take you to my Flickr page with a few more pictures of tonight's sky show which ended with the photo below.

Crescent Moon, Venus and Jupiter

As an added treat you can see what is known as Earthshine which is caused by sunlight that reflects off the Earth onto the Moon's night side.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Venus at Twilight

Venus at Twilight
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

I love following the changes in the evening skies, tracking the phases of the moon, the times of the rising and setting moon and/or sun. I also get great notice of special events from the Nasa site

Recently thee was an article that describes the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter over the next several evenings and ending on Dec. 1st with the two planets appearing extremely close together and being joined by the crescent moon.

The top picture is of Venus which showed up first in tonight's twilight sky.

Venus and Jupiter at Twilight
Not long afterwards you can also pick out Jupiter in the night sky (top of the picture). Each night they will appear to move closer to each other and I hope to be able to get some pictures when the crescent Moon joins the party.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Moonrise at Lighthouse Beach

Moonrise at Lighthouse Beach
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

I was down at the lighthouse yesterday afternoon to see the almost full moon rising about an hour before sunset. There were plenty of cloud lines tinged with a pretty pink color and a lovely moon rising over the water. Later that night, when returned from dinner at friends house, I was greeted by the ongoing howling of my local coyotes. It went on for longer then I can ever remember hearing before and it was very scary. I of course solved the problem by taking my hearing aids out - and vanquished those sounds to other ears. And to think the fullest moon isn't for two more days.

Moonrise at Lighthouse Beach

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Crescent Moon and Venus Over Oyster Pond

Crescent Moon and Venus Over Oyster Pond
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

On Halloween night, not long after sunset, a slim crescent moon was setting. The sun was still lighting the horizon with magnficent color and the deepening twilight brought the moon into view. As an added treat, Venus was visible as well, not far above the moon.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sunset at Oyster Pond

Sunset at Oyster Pond
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

The sun set about 10 minutes before this picture and was still lighting up the clouds and adding a glow to a tree on the far shore of Oyster Pond. Another magnificent sky saying goodnight to the sun.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Rainbow Over Pleasant Bay

Rainbow Over Pleasant Bay
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

I was driving home when I spotted this beauty and pulled onto the road that leads to the Eastward Ho Golf Course.

Do you think there is a pot of gold over there? Even if there is, it could not be worth more then my good fortune of living this beautiful place.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Morning Sun

Morning Sun
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

I had hoped to watch the sun rise this morning, but when I checked outside the sky was totally overcast so I did not rush down to the Lighthouse with the camera. But Sunday would not be the same if I did not take a mug of coffee and go down to the Lighthouse, so went a couple of hours after sunrise and was treated to an incredibly beautiful view. While all of Chatham seemed to be under a heavy cloud cover, there was a break in the clouds offshore that allowed the rays of the sun to shine through and for the sun itself to reflect on the water. How lucky I feel when I am treated to such magnificent view, knowing I live in a place where there is something beautiful to enjoy every single day.

To really enjoy this click on the picture and select a larger size to enjoy.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Cooper's Hawk

Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

During migration seasons, it is not unusual to observe several different kinds of hawks in the area. One sure sign of a visiting hawk is the sudden flight of every small bird taking off simultaneously from the feeders, from the birdbath and from the ground. A few days ago, after watching the hurried, sudden departure all the birds at Chatham Gardens I was able to find the cause of the activity in a nearby tree. This Cooper's Hawk was hunting from a perch high above the ground.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cardinal Family

Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

This has been a great year for cardinals at Chatham Gardens. I have seen at least 3 sets of adults regularly and I have lost count of the number of juvenile birds that are frequenting my feeders.

In the above picture is a female, probably the mother of the two young birds hanging out on the top of my weeping cherry tree.

In this next picture it appears that the female is feeding one of the juveniles.


I had read that cardinals encourage their your our of the nest very quickly and teach them to find food on their own. There is a feeder not far from this tree and I think this was a lesson in progress.

The cherry tree seems to be a favorite resting place for many. In the below picture, if you look carefully, you can see 3 adult females.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bird Sighting

Yellowthroat Warbler
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

Its called a Common Yellowthroat Warbler and supposedly the Common in the name is well deserved in this area, but it was a first for Chatham Gardens. Taken through the window of my sunroom, this sweet bird didn't stick around very long. I'll be watching the feeders for a welcome return visit.

Friday, August 22, 2008

A New Bird Sighting at Chatham Gardens

Baltimore Oriole
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

I was reading in my sunroom today when I glanced up at the bird feeder just outside the window and much to my total delight I spotted this beautiful bird. I believe it is a Female Baltimore Oriole, though it could be a young male in his first fall suit. She/he didn't stay long so I was glad I had the camera handy and ready.

I have an Oriole feeder but some critter, likely a squirrel or a raccoon, keeps swiping the orange halves. Now that I know there are Orioles nearby, I will cut up another orange and hope for a return visit.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Shrinking Children

Julia, Ben
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

I realized that I have developed a love/hate relationship with summertime on Cape Cod. There is the overwhelming swell of summer visitors that result in long lines and no reservations at favorite restaurants. There is the impossibility of making a left turn in the car and the never-ending quest to find alternative routes to avoid the worst of the left turns. There is the "Full" sign at the parking lot to my favorite beach.

But, there are also the sweet summer breezes and the warming waters at magnificent beaches with lots of parking. And most of all there are summer visitors that are arriving at Chatham Gardens for a day, a few days or a week. On balance, I would have to say I love summertime more then I hate it.

The most recent guests at Chatham Gardens included the Rechtzigel family who have not been here for two years. I really hope it is not another two years until they return. Overlapping with them were Ben and Sue Cheslawski, frequent and always welcome guests.

If you click on the picture of Julia and Ben you will be on my Flickr page where there is a short video of Ben C making Julia and Ben R (who are behind the blanket - I was slow turning on the camera) and then fortunately, bringing them back, in addition to more pictures of the recent Chatham Garden guests.

Is YOUR name in the reservation book?

Monday, July 21, 2008


Black-capped Chickadee
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

Usually when I see black-capped chickadees they are impeccably well groomed, not a feather out of place. I saw this little fellow at the feeder today and I could not help buy wonder what circumstances so thoroughly ruffled his feathers. Other then the his shoddy appearance, he ate well and looked strong when he flew away. Click on the picture for a few more photos.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Coyote vs. Goldfinch

Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

One of the downsides of my new all windowed addition is that I have had several bird strikes. Even with my limited hearing, when a bird flies into one of the windows the sound is unmistakable and I can almost always differentiate between a bird with a bad headache vs. a fatality. I have witnessed a few fatalities and I recall one situation where, when I went back to look for the bird all that was left were feathers. Enough feathers that I was certain the bird did not recover and fly away.

Today, I heard that unmistakable sound of a bird fatality and when I went to investigate, I found that I was not the first on the scene. A lone coyote had lost no time in retrieving what appears to be a bright yellow goldfinch and having a late afternoon snack.

This picture, and the others that are available on my Flickr site by just clicking on this picture were all taken through my windows, some before I thought to take the screen out, too. So while picture quality is not great, you can still see a very healthy coyote enjoying his prize.

Monday, July 7, 2008


Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

Another first for Chatham Gardens, the first Dahlia. They are planted in containers that were built for my new deck and I suspect I have too many tubers in each container. But, there are lots of buds so a lot more flowers to be enjoyed in the next few weeks. This first one, though, will definitely have a special place in my memory.

Friday, July 4, 2008


Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

I don't think that Chatham Gardens will ever be renamed Chatham Farms, but it was an exciting moment for me when I was on the upper patio and found that my newly planted high bush blueberry shrubs all had fruit ripening. I suspect that the birds will eliminate any need for me to carry a bucket up the hill to gather my bounty and I am glad to share the berries with my feathered friends - THIS YEAR. I see some netting in my future.....

Thursday, June 26, 2008

U.S. Marine Corps Battle Color Ceremony

Last night I attended the U.S. Marine Corps Battle Color Ceremony which took place in the H.S. ballpark in Orleans, MA. Me and 3 friends carried our beach chairs to an area on the edge of the ball park since the prime seating, a terraced hill behind the ballpark had filled up long before the concert started.

This short video shows one of the highlights of the Silent Drill Platoon, where they perform incredible spins and exchanges of their M-1 rifles (with very sharp looking fixed bayonets) with absolutely no verbal commands.

If you click on the video, it will take you to my Flickr site where you can see more pictures of the Silent Drill Platoon, the Drum and Bugle Corp, the Marine Corps Color Guard and a picture of the big gun that they fired several times and had every dog that was attended this fun, free event with their owner cowering with their tail tucked between their legs. The guns were LOUD, even to me!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

June - The First Peony

June - The First Peony
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

Everything is coming to life at Chatham Gardens. For better or worse that also includes a predator, I believe a squirrel, that totally decimated a favorite peony shrub in the back of the house on the hill. Scattered all around the area were the deep purplish petals that were supposed to blossom into the magnificent blooms of the double flower peony, Paeonia Renato.

For some reason, fortunately, the peonies in the front of the house have been untouched and today I found the first fully opened flower of the Paeonia Bowl of Cream - I believe. So many of my plants were moved as a result of the new addition in the back that I have lost track of some of the specifics of my gardens.

Regardless of the name, I am always in awe of the elements of nature that return this beauty to my life, year after year. Many other plants are developing throughout the garden and you can see them all by clicking on the picture of the peony which links to my Flickr Set, Chatham Gardens 2008. Check out my Giant Hostas!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

I was awake early today so I decided to take in a sunrise at Lighthouse Beach. As I pulled out of my driveway I saw the full moon sitting low in the sky so I swung by Oyster Pond to see if I could watch the moonset.

I was treated to the site of an enormous moon in shades of pink and gold getting ready to fade below the trees on the far side of the pond. I was able to take a picture thanks to the light from the nautical dawn that was well underway.

After the moon had dipped below the horizon I continued over to Lighthouse Beach and watched the sunset and it was lovely, but on this morning, the moonset won my heart.

Friday, May 16, 2008

New Cherry Tree

New Cherry Tree
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

Spring continues its magnificent return to Chatham Gardens. Here is a picture of a new addition this year, a Snow Fountain Weeping Cherry Tree. It was purchased as a replacement for the existing Kwanzan Cherry Tree which we thought was destined for the wood pile because of some sort of root rot. After we dug it up (I use the term we since I am responsible for writing the checks that pay the people who are actually doing the work) WE, discovered that the original plastic basket had been left in place when the tree was first planted in 2004.

So we found a new spot for it and much to my surprise - and joy - the tree blossomed this year, which it did not do last year. If you click on the picture above you will see the Kwanzan Cherry Tree in bloom along with some of the other gardens this May.

June will surely bring more changes and beauty.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Feeding Time

Feeding Time
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

This year I have a family of White-breasted Nuthatches nesting in one of my birdhouses. The house they chose was built to resemble a church and as far as I know this is the first time it has been occupied.

I have been observing the feeding habits of the family and it is clear that one bird is always in the house while the other bird will feed and bring back food, one seed at a time, to the other. I am hoping I will see the young before too long.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Chatham Gardens

Sept 04 Chatham Gardens
Originally uploaded by

It recently dawned on me that this summer will be the 5th summer of Chatham Gardens, a fact that boggles my mind. I thought it would be fun to look at the year to year changes in my landscaping and I put together a short album that includes one photo for each year for two different garden areas of my home.

The first is now named The Flag Garden and you can see why in the subsequent pictures. The second area is named The Lamppost Garden, though it could easily be named the Maple Tree Garden.

Just click on the picture and you will be directed to my Flickr page for the entire set. Later this summer I will include 08 pictures to the set and repost the link.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Sunrise at Lighthouse Beach

Originally uploaded by

Two days ago I posted a picture I took of the sun rising over the Atlantic Ocean at Lighthouse Beach. I took several pictures that day, from the first light in the sky until the Sun had cleared the horizon. I posted a series of the days pictures on Flickr which you can access by clicking on the picture which is linked to my Flickr site.

Yesterday I received an email from Chris Seufert, who is the administrator for a Flickr group called Chatham, Cape Cod Life asking me to include the above photo in this group.

I have admired Chris's photographs ever since I moved to Cape Cod as his photos are featured extensively in many Cape Cod and other New England magazines and I was thrilled to be asked to include one of my photos in a group associated with Chris. If I am lucky, I will be asked again.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sunrise at Lighthouse Beach

Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

The same sun I photographed setting last night, returned in a pretty sunrise this morning. With a hot cup of coffee, a warm car and the battery in my camera recharged, I was witness to the day beginning, a favorite activity in every season.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sunset At Hardings Beach

Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

Tonight was another spectacular Sunset over Nantucket Sound. I actually went out to capture pictures of the crescent moon that was going to be bathed in Earthshine and it was to be my first serious tripod experience.

Fortunately, the sunset made the effort totally worthwhile, because I was not successful in taking any decent photos of the moon. I will analyze what went wrong another day, but the first thing I realized was that even with the tripod, the simple act of depressing the shutter button caused enough camera shake to ruin every picture. So the first thing I did after looking at my photos was to order a remote control for my camera.

But, tomorrow is another day and there will be another moon and certainly another sunset to enjoy.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Return of summer colors

Return of summer colors
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

In addition to the annual migrations, there is a sign of spring that involves the birds that have wintered here at Chatham Gardens and elsewhere in the northeast and it is not unlike our own desire to change what we wear from heavy wools to lighter cottons. With our feathered friends, it involves changing their winter colors to their summer colors; a sure sign that mating is not that far away.

Here are three male American Goldfinches that are well on their way to the bright, vibrant yellow for which they are so well known. The feathers of the fellow looking at the camera are in various stages of change; you can see the drabber olive green on his back and and shoulders, while his two friends have already mostly converted to the bright yellow of summer.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Cardinals at the Feeder

Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

One of my favorite subjects to photograph are birds in flight. Being able to capture the spread of their splendid feathers and the energy of the wings while in flight is thrilling. To freeze a single moment in their life speaks volumes to me.

This picture is one of my favorites. It captures the final approach of a brilliantly colored male Cardinal to the feeder where a female Cardinal, possibly his mate is already feeding.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Earle, Linda, Dave, Tammy, Brian

Earle, Linda, Dave, Tammy, Brian
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

Tonight we had a great dinner at the Ocean House in Dennis Port. Great restaurant located on Nantucket Sound, a definite new favorite of mine. It was Tammy's birthday dinner and we were fortunate that Brian was home from school so he could join us, Good food, good wine and good friends - nothing better.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

New sighting

Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

The past week has been cold and overcast, not conducive to wandering around Cape Cod or even Chatham with my camera. But earlier this week I spotted this little fellow. At first I though it was an American Goldfinch, but upon closer inspection I realized that the color was wrong and even the body shape was very different, much rounder and/or full then a Goldfinch. I believe it may be a warbler, but I am still unsure so if anyone reads this and can ID my little friend, please let me know.

What has been interesting is that I have only spotted this solitary loner; very unusual during the spring migration time when it is more common to see different visitors in large numbers.

The sun is scheduled to make an appearance tomorrow and I plan on being ready, in spite of my latest calamity - apparently I broke several toes in my left foot. I though I had one broken, but as usual, I overindulged.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Sunset at Hardings Beach

Sunset at Hardings Beach
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

I live in one of the most beautiful places I have ever known. I have seen hundreds of sunsets at dozens of different locations and never have I been disappointed. Each one is different. Each one is wondrous. And each one leaves me almost speechless at the beauty that our universe offers up to us again and again.

Good night Sun - I will welcome you back in the morning.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Robin and a Cardinal

A Robin and a Cardinal
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

The weather has not improved, but still there is cause for optimism. Just the other day I looked out my window to my feeder in the front yard and saw at least 6 beautiful Robins searching the ground for stray seeds. I was not able to get a good picture out of my rain covered window, but later that day I was able to catch a Robin and a brightly colored male Cardinal in the back yard. It seems that spring must be nearing Cape Cod and none too soon.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Taking flight

Taking flight
Originally uploaded by ChathamGardens

On a cold, rainy day I found myself looking at some recent pictures I took on a day when the sun was shining. Here is one of my favorites.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Spring is on its way.

Its the time of year of the northbound bird migration is beginning and when you see the evidence you can't help but know that Spring is once again going to return.  My first sighting was a group of Bluebirds that were the first to ever visit Chatham Gardens.  They appeared during the snowfall last Friday and then reappeared on Sunday, a bright sunny day, though still very cool.

The migration happens annually and yet it always feels new; its a change of seasons that brings much promise. A promise of new life bursting from the landscape and new life being born in the nests of trees. Seems like a good time start a new project so I decided to join the blogger community.  

My retirement has been wonderful and my transition to having zero commitments and an extremely vague day to day schedule was much easier to achieve then I had anticipated.  After a very satisfying 40 year career in publishing I found that doing little to nothing was very welcome and really easy and actually fun.  I spent the past year enjoying my home, my gardens and the many visitors to my multitude of bird feeders.

I am ready to bring something new to my life and I decided that blogging would be a good way to begin this new transition.  I look at it as a commitment that requires a level of personal discipline that I have been without for the past year.  I will continue to watch the almost daily changes in my gardens. I will still check the bird feeders and surrounding trees for new winged visitors and I will check the almanacs for the times of the sunsets and sunrises.  For all of these events I hope to have my camera at the ready to record what I see and share some of them here on these pages.